Mitchell Reece is a Houston-based graphic designer, educator, and interdisciplinary artist. Communal history, family experiences, and social observations inform the direction of his work. Currently, He lectures at Prairie View A&M University’s Digital Media Arts Department, The Black School, and practices graphic art with PLEX Design Studio. He’s exhibited at The Black School Studio exhibition presented at AIGA’s Fresh Grad Event.
Artist Statement:
I’m interested in telling my family’s history and a personal narrative of two historically Black neighborhoods located in Houston, Texas. Through the mediums of painting, sculpture, collage, and graphic design, I translate introspective and relative experiences of the Black family. In conception, my work yields to communicating recollections of my grandmother’s home and translating the concept of producing family pastimes as a form of architecture. Expanding from an archival notion, I scan past family photos, document local iconography, and interview residents of local historically Black communities Acres Homes and Independence Heights.