Painter born in 1990, South Korea, and after study in Houston, the Netherlands, and New York, Ahra Cho received her BFA in Fine Arts at the School of Visual Arts, New York, and has established her studio practice at Box 13 ArtSpace in Houston.
Artist Statement:
I close my eyes and plug my ears to seek an intrinsic goodness. I’m trying to capture the awareness that life is as transient as a stream and full of motion as a leisurely walk through the clouds. I’m fascinated that everything appears to become clichéd and loses its value as soon as I speak it or write it down. A lot of the time, my words lose their form and scatter into the air. But when I paint I feel I can face that unknown. I give the name to the unknown. Maybe painting is the only way I can make something poetic permanent. Everything made by humanity is in a finite moment and our existence is also the sequence of moments. Making art is the path of realizing my weakness and insufficiency. I see and feel the great breath in everything. I wait to see what happens in the creative process. Waiting for the moment is also part of the work. I wait for the creation and then stop. Something slowly surfaced, silently emerging through the thin mist that rolled off the waters. I want to record the flowing colors, time, smells, winds, and my words and thoughts in my way. I trace my senses and memories and look for the source of light somewhere in life.