Exhibition Proposals

Proposal Status

Box 13 ArtSpace is not currently accepting exhibition proposals.

BOX 13 ArtSpace exhibits experimental works not previously shown in Houston. Proposals are accepted for our three downstairs galleries (Front BOX Gallery, Back BOX Gallery, and Window BOX Gallery) and the Upstairs BOX Gallery for 6-8 week exhibition periods. Dimensions and technical drawings of each space are available here: BOX 13 ArtSpace Gallery Dimensions, video gallery walk through 3D Model

BOX 13 ArtSpace is 100% volunteer artist-run – we do not have a staff. Exhibiting artists should be prepared to install their own work or make arrangements with a BOX 13 ArtSpace member or a local to do so in your place. BOX 13 ArtSpace does not have a budget for expenses related to shipping work, purchasing equipment, travel expenses, etc.

Questions? Contact box13artspace@gmail.com

Submission Guidelines

All Exhibitions Proposals MUST include the following information.
Incomplete Proposals or those not following the below requirements will not be reviewed.

Phone Number
First & Last Name
Location: City and state in which you will reside in 2025.
Availability: Dates cover install, opening reception, regular exhibition hours, and deinstall dates.

  • TBA

Gallery Space: Which gallery are you interested in? (Front, Back, Window, Upstairs) 
Website/Social Media
Exhibition Title

PDF format
Resumé and/or CV(s) for yourself and each artist in your proposed exhibition.

The following is to be put into one PDF form

  • Biography: Bios for all participants.
  • Description: Describe the concept and physical details of your proposed exhibition as well as the installation plan. Be Specific. (500 words)
  • Images: 10-20 images with titles, dimensions, media, and year.

Gallery Images

Floor Plan

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