Exhibition Proposals
Proposal Status
Box 13 ArtSpace is not currently accepting exhibition proposals.
BOX 13 ArtSpace is 100% volunteer artist-run – we do not have a staff. Exhibiting artists should be prepared to install their own work or make arrangements with a BOX 13 ArtSpace member or a local to do so in your place. BOX 13 ArtSpace does not have a budget for expenses related to shipping work, purchasing equipment, travel expenses, etc.
Questions? Contact box13artspace@gmail.com
Submission Guidelines
All Exhibitions Proposals MUST include the following information.
Incomplete Proposals or those not following the below requirements will not be reviewed.
Phone Number
First & Last Name
Location: City and state in which you will reside in 2025.
Availability: Dates cover install, opening reception, regular exhibition hours, and deinstall dates.
Gallery Space: Which gallery are you interested in? (Front, Back, Window, Upstairs)
Website/Social Media
Exhibition Title
PDF format
Resumé and/or CV(s) for yourself and each artist in your proposed exhibition.
The following is to be put into one PDF form
- Biography: Bios for all participants.
- Description: Describe the concept and physical details of your proposed exhibition as well as the installation plan. Be Specific. (500 words)
- Images: 10-20 images with titles, dimensions, media, and year.